Everyday Inspiration

Hello All!

I just wanted to update you guys on my status with the everyday inspiration course. I know I should have been finished already, but my writing fountain is running a little dry and thus even the tasks are not inspiring enough for me to write a half decent publishable post.

But I WILL complete it…Eventually! I don’t want a rerun of Blogging 101. I am far more determined to complete the course believe it or not. I just need to work on ideas for what to write, how to get this blog sorted and how to bring you guys regular posts every week.

So please please PLEASE guys if you have any ideas or questions that you would like me to write about and answer, then contact me. As I said, all suggestions will be used (for inspirational purposes at the very least).

Hope everyone else’s blog is going well.

Happy Blogging!

God bless

DD x


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